SEO optimization is a constant job; no matter how optimized our website is, we will always need to keep our SEO perfectly.
If we are thinking of using new strategies to improve the performance of our business, SEO Company of California recommend that before investing in an ambitious SEO or digital marketing strategy, we start by doing an SEO audit, because that way we will know which path to take and what aspects of our website require of adjustments as soon as possible.
It is important to focus on technical parameters such as loading speed, bounce rate, content quality, broken links, tags, internal and external linking, and being mobile-first, and then you’ll be ready for the next step.
We think that by now, most websites are already HTTPS, right? This means that they are considered safe sites by search engines.
As we already know the relationship between secure web pages with SSL and SEO positioning, it is illogical that we can achieve a high ranking while the 'Unsecured' label still appears when accessing our website.
Bypassing this, because we are already working on HTTPS, we must evaluate how the content of our website works in a safe way. It is common that when auditing an HTTPS page, we encounter problems associated with the "rel = canonical" tags, redirects, broken links or mixed content. Again, the website Auditor can help us detect these problems.
Check out your external link
External linking or backlinks can do a lot for us to search engines, but if such linking is considered to come from reputable, low-value sites or external link farms, then we are in serious trouble with search engines.
How to know who links us? Majestic is a simple tool with which we can know which web pages have a link to our website, and so we can know if this suits us or not.
In the event that a link to our website does not suit us, we must use the Google Disavow tool to disallow these links. Do not ignore your external link when doing an SEO audit, as this aspect is essential to improve your results.
Research your competition
Many do not like to snoop around their main competitors a little, but we think that most SEO Companies in California agree that an effective SEO audit of a website should include the analysis of our competitors. Someone is never strong enough to not want to know how their competitors are doing.
It is not about investigating them to copy their SEO strategies, but to know what techniques can help us position for certain keywords, for example, or what type of content they publish steals the traffic we have been longing for.
Investigating our competition leaves us a small treasure of data with which we can cunningly continue to fight. Let's not belittle them!
As if that were not enough, we are not only interested in knowing who our competition is to give them a tough competition, but we can create friendly ties with some competitors and start sharing content with them, known as a guest post, which will result in an excellent SEO Off-Page strategy for both parties.
Content & SEO Services by I Think An Idea